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28 Nisan 2017 Cuma

Rusça-Kazakça-Türkçe-İngilizce İnşaat ve Mimari Terimleri Sözlüğü

Rusça  Kazakça   Türkçe  İngilizce  İnşaat ve Mimari Terimleri Sözlüğü

Sayar Homa Pour Se Perfectionner en Persan Improving Your Persian

Sayar Homa Pour Se Perfectionner en Persan Improving Your Persian

scheherazade the vizier's daughter

scheherazade the vizier's daughter  şehrazat  vezirin kızı

arapça ingilizce arabic english

Slovene Fast Talk

Slovene Fast Talk Slovence

Tatarca Türkçe sözlük

Tatarca Türkçe sözlük

Larry Clark Turkmen Reference Grammar Türkmence İngilizce

Larry Clark  Turkmen Reference  Grammar  Türkmence İngilizce

Turkmen-English dictionary

Turkmen  English dictionary   Türkmence İngilizce  

kril harfleriyle

27 Nisan 2017 Perşembe

French Without Toil

French Without Toil

French Crash Course

French Crash Course  Fransızca

Kolay Fransızca

Kolay Fransızca  mp3 + pdf

Learn German with Stories_ Karn - Andre Klein

Learn German with Stories_ Karn - Andre Klein   Almanca

Before we start, we should acknowledge that there
will be many unknown words in the following stories
and that there are, in fact, various ways to deal with
this very common problem for language learners of
all ages and stages.
1. If you want to get the most out these stories,
you’ll have to establish some kind of Lesefluss (reading
flow). You might be reading quickly or slowly, it
doesn’t matter — as long as you keep on reading and
allow context and continuity to clear your questions.
2. Furthermore, important or difficult words (and
short phrases) are appended to each chapter with an
English translation for quick look-ups.
3. If you’re reading this book on an e-reader or
tablet, you can get instant translations by
clicking/tapping on the word. To find out if your
device supports this feature and how to enable it,
please consult your manual or customer support.


"1. Wo befindet sich die Villa?
a) in einem billigen Stadtteil
b) in einem zentralen Stadtteil
c) in einem teuren Stadtteil
2. Frau von Gantenberg trug …
a) ein lila Kleid und einen roten Schal.
b) ein rotes Kleid und einen lila Schal.
c) ein grünes Kleid und einen gelben Schal."

18 Nisan 2017 Salı

guide de communication en francais fransızca french

guide de communication en francais  fransızca french

Joanne Suter Vocabulary Media and Marketplace Words

Joanne Suter  Vocabulary

 Media and Marketplace Words

(Vocabulary in Context)-Saddleback Educational Publishing, Inc.

"Write a letter to match each of the ten challenge words with its definition. If you need
help, check a dictionary.

1. _____ gazette
2. _____ strategy
3. _____ tedious
4. _____ erroneous
5. _____ substantiate
6. _____ defective
7. _____ authoritative
8. _____ infer
9. _____ fraud
10. _____ entice

a. to tempt by offering something
b. not correct, wrong
c. having an imperfection or fault
d. the act of cheating, tricking, or lying;
or, someone who cheats and lies
e. a newspaper
f. to come to a conclusion or opinion
by reasoning
g. coming from an authority or expert
h. a plan or scheme
i. to prove to be real or true
j. long and boring"

Why Didnt They Ask Evans Agatha Christie

Why Didnt They Ask Evans    Agatha Christie

Pdf + Audio

William Shakespeare-As You Like It

William Shakespeare-As You Like It

( Saddleback's Illustrated Classics)-Saddleback Educational Publishing )

William Shakespeare-Hamlet

William Shakespeare-Hamlet (Saddleback's Illustrated Classics)-Saddleback Educational Publishing)

17 Nisan 2017 Pazartesi

games for vocabulary practice

games for vocabulary practice

german conversation demystified almanca

german conversation demystified almanca

Note that the past participle in German is the last element in a sentence: Du bist sehr
krank gewesen. (You have been very sick.)

Grammaire en dialogues. Niveau avancé. B2-C1 Fransızca

Grammaire en dialogues. Niveau avancé. B2-C1  Fransızca


great english monarchs

great english monarchs

Greek Crash Course Yunanca

Greek Crash  Course Yunanca

Headway Academic Skills Introductory Level

Headway Academic Skills Introductory Level

Hebrew Crash Course İbranice

Hebrew Crash Course İbranice

Hindi Crash Course Hintçe İndian Language

Hindi Crash Course Hintçe İndian Language

14 Nisan 2017 Cuma

IELTS 10 audio Cambridge

IELTS 10 audio Cambridge


Bambara Dili

The Bambara (Bamana) language, Bamanankan, is a lingua franca and national language of Mali spoken by perhaps 15 million people, 5 million Bambara people and about 10 million second-language users. It is estimated that about 80 percent of the population of Mali speak Bambara as a first or second language. It has a subject–object–verb clause structure and two lexical tones.


"N tε kafe fε I don’t like coffee
Jennifer bε Bamanankan fε Jennifer likes Bambara
N bε kalankε I study
N bε dumunikε I eat
N bε baarakε I work
A tε kalankε He doesn’t study
A tε dumunikε He doesn’t eat
A tε baarakε He doesn’t work
N bε n ko I bathe
N tε n ko sisan I don’t bathe now
N b’a fε ka n lafiɲε I want to rest"

irish dictionary and phrasebook irlanda dili

irish dictionary and phrasebook  irlanda dili

Irish Crash Course İrlanda Dili

Irish Crash Course İrlanda Dili

italian - english dictionary italyanca ingilizce

italian - english dictionary  italyanca ingilizce

Italian Crash Course İtalyanca

Italian Crash Course İtalyanca

13 Nisan 2017 Perşembe

501 Essential Spanish Verbs İspanyolca Fiiller

"TRATAR To treat, to try to, to deal with
Past part. tratado Ger. tratando"

"Y YACER To lie
Past part. yacido Ger. yaciendo"

"CREER to believe, to think
Past part. creído Ger. creyendo"

"ASOLEARSE To sunbathe
Past part. asoleado Ger. asoleando"

Hungarian Macarca

Hungarian Macarca

John Vlachopoulos and Peny Polychronopoulou-Enrich Your English with Idioms Cliches and Nuanced Words

John Vlachopoulos and Peny Polychronopoulou-Enrich Your English with Idioms Cliches and Nuanced Words

junread expert level 1

junior reading expert level 1

Kaplan TOEFL Vocabulary Quiz Book

Kaplan TOEFL Vocabulary Quiz Book

Kayıp Yazılar Ve Diller - Johannes Friedric

Kayıp Yazılar Ve Diller -  Johannes Friedric

"Burada, Kuzey Fenike kıyılan üzerindeki Biblos (Byblos)
kentinin antik yazıtlarının çözümlenmesinden de
söz edilmesi gerekir. Ugarit dilinin çözümcülerinden
Fransız Araştırmacı Dhorme 1 946 yılında bu dille uğraşmıştır.
Elde ettiği sonuçlar hala tartışma konusudur.
Biblos, Fenike kültürünün en eski merkezlerindendi ve
daha M.Ö. III. binyılın başlangıcından itibaren Mısırla
il. binyılda dahi devam etmiş yoğun ilişkilere sahipti.
Biblos' un Fenike alfabe yazısındaki en eski yazıtları,
M. Ö. 1 000 yıllan civarında kayda geçirilmişlerdir. Ama
doğal olarak bunlardan bazıları daha önceki çağlarda
da yazılmıştır. il. binyıla ait lahitlerden bazılarında Mısır
dilinde kayda geçirilmiş yazıtlar bulunmaktadır. Mısır'
daki El-Amarna arşivi de, Biblos'ta diğer ülkelerle
siyasi ve ticari ilişkilerde kullanılmak üzere Babil çivi
yazısıyla yazılmış Akadca metinler bulunduğunu doğrulamaktadır.
Belki de lesadüfi olarak kullanılan bu yabancı
yazıların yanında, bize çok iyi şartlar altında
ulaşmış iki bronz tablet, hayli hasar görmüş taş bir levha
ve dört adet bronz spatül ve başka bir taş levhaya ait
üç fragman üzerinde görünen yazı yer almaktadır. Arkeologlara
göre, bütün bu ele geçen parçalar, M.Ö. il.
binyılın başlangıcına veya III. binyılın sonuna aittir: Bu
nedenle, ben bunları «Protobiblos» olarak adlandırmak
isterim. Bütün bu yazıtlar, M. Dunand tarafından,
Byblia Gra mmata [Biblos Dili Grameri] (Beyrut, 1 945) kitabının
71-135. sayfaları arasında yayımlanmıştır."

La cuisine au fil des mots Fransızca Mutfak

La cuisine au fil des mots  Fransızca Mutfak

"décoction  n. f.
1. En cuisine, action d’extraire d’une substance les éléments nutritifs et
aromatiques qu’elle contient en la faisant bouillir dans un liquide, le
plus souvent de l’eau.
2. Le produit liquide qui résulte de cette opération.
Une décoction de pelures d’orange.
décongélation  n. f.
Action de décongeler.
décongeler  v.
Ramener un aliment congelé ou surgelé à la température de la pièce.
• Il vaut mieux ne pas décongeler les aliments de petite taille (légumes,
mets cuisinés, etc.) et les cuire tels quels.
La décongélation des grosses pièces, des fruits, pâtisseries, fromages,
doit se faire au réfrigérateur, au four ou au four à micro-ondes, mais
jamais à l’air libre.
Un produit décongelé ne peut se congeler à nouveau, sauf indication
contraire du fabricant.
décoquiller  v.
Débarrasser de leurs coquilles des mollusques cuits dans un liquide
pour ne garder que leur chair dans la suite de la recette.
Mettez les coquillages dans un faitout avec 5 cl d’eau et du poivre. Faites-les
ouvrir à feu vif 5 à 6 min. Égouttez-les et décoquillez-les.
CVF, mars 1977, p. 50.
décortiquer  v.
1. Débarrasser un crustacé de sa carapace, un mollusque de sa coquille,
pour n’en garder que la chair.
Faites cuire les langoustines au court-bouillon très corsé, puis égouttez-les
et décortiquez-les entièrement. Oliver (1971), p. 253.
2. Enlever la coque d’une noix, l’enveloppe d’une graine.
découenner  v.
Enlever la couenne qui est demeurée attachée à une viande de porc.
Pendant ce temps, faites chauffer les tranches de jambon découennées...
Larousse gastronomique (1984), p. 388."

Latin Crash Course Latince

Latin  Crash  Course  Latince

Connaissez-vous la France? French

Connaissez-vous la France?  French

"Àla fin du XVII  siècle, environ 40 000 jacobites
émigrèrenten France pour fuir des persécutions. Ils
venaient :
a) de Hollande.
b) de Suisse.
c) du Royaume-Uni."

12 Nisan 2017 Çarşamba

Michael McCarthy Felicity O'Dell English phrasal verbs in use Advanced Cambridge University Press

Michael McCarthy

 Felicity O'Dell

 English phrasal verbs in use   Advanced

Cambridge University Press

Mini BLED - Conjugaison en poche Fransızca

Mini BLED - Conjugaison en poche  Fransızca

Connaissez-vous la langue française? Fransızca

Connaissez-vous  la langue  française?  Fransızca

"S i de temps à autre vous écoutez les conversations et focalisez votre attention sur
l'accord du participe passé, vous observerez un hiatus impressionnant entre l'oral
et l'écrit. Vous serez surpris de voir que les gens cultivés ne font plus l'accord à
l'oral. Vous entendrez une femme se plaindre que son mari l'a pris en otage, un homme
politique, qu'oucune personne ne prendra l'Eurostar sans être soumis à un contrôle
systématique. C'est jusqu'aux tournures réfléchies (sa robe s'est pris dans la portière) et
à l'accord des adjectifs qui sont menacés. La tendance est à l'invariabilité. Influence de
l'anglais ? Qui sait I"

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