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21 Ağustos 2015 Cuma

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 9


The world's best-selling advanced learner's dictionary, now with Oxford iWriter to help students plan, write and review their written work.

7 Ağustos 2015 Cuma

Using Spanish


Using Spanish

1.1 The Spanish language today 1
1.2 Local variety and standard 1
1.3 Peninsular and American Spanish 2
1.4 Register 2
1.4.1 R1 2
1.4.2 R2 3
1.4.3 R3 3
1.5 ‘Correctness’ 3
2 Passages illustrating register and local variety 4
2.1 Example of R1∗ (Peninsular Spanish): Un encuentro en la calle 4
2.2 Example of R1 (Mexican Spanish): ¡P´elate! Que vamos al cine 6
2.3 Example of R1 (Peninsular Spanish): Cosas de cr´ıos 7
2.4 Example of R1 (Argentine Spanish): from Don Segundo Sombra, by
R. G¨uiraldes 8
2.5 Example of R2 (Peninsular Spanish): Una agencia de viajes 10
2.6 Example of R2 (Latin-American Spanish): from Resumen, Caracas,
12 August 1984 12
2.7 Example of R2–3 (Peninsular Spanish): Intercambio de casas 13
2.8 Example of R2–3 (Peninsular Spanish): from San Manuel Bueno,
m´artir, by M. de Unamuno 15
2.9 Example of R2–3 (Latin-American Spanish): Viajando a trav´es de la
ciudad de M´exico by Jorge Larracilla 16
2.10 Example of R3 (Latin-American Spanish): from El Comercio, Quito,
2 October 1985 17

Using Spanish Vocabulary


Using Spanish Vocabulary

Unidad 1 / Unit 1 El Ser humano / The Human Being 8
a Elcuerpo humano / the human body
b Ellenguaje / language
c Los cuidados corporales / body care
d Lasexualidad / sexuality
Unidad 2 / Unit 2 La Personalidad humana / The Human Personality 37
a Lainteligencia / intelligence
b Los sentimientos / feelings
c La voluntad, deber y conciencia / will, duty and conscience
d Lapercepci´on / perception
e Las cualidades y virtudes / qualities and virtues
f Los defectos, vicios y delitos / defects, vices and offenses
Unidad 3 / Unit 3 Los Alimentos, las bebidas y la ropa / Food, Drinks
and Clothes 71
a Las comidas / meals
b Elvino / wine
c El vestido / dress
Unidad 4 / Unit 4 La Salud / Health 103
a Lamedicina / medicine
b Laenfermedad / illness
c Los accidentes / accidents
d Eltabaquismo / tobacco addiction
e Las drogas / drugs
f Lamuerte / death
Unidad 5 / Unit 5 La Familia y la casa / Family and Home 137
a Los miembros de la familia / family members
b Los grados de parentesco / family relationships
c Lavida de familia / family life
d Los nombres de pila / first names
e Lacasa y edificios / house and buildings
f Elmobiliario / furniture
g Laluz y calefacci´on / lighting and heating

Using Spanish synonyms


Using Spanish synonyms

Acknowledgements for the second edition vi
List of abbreviations vii
Introduction 1
Introduction to second edition 7
Spanish synonyms 9
Index of Spanish items with frame titles 592
Index of Argentinian items with frame titles 666
Index of Mexican items with frame titles 670
Index of English items with frame titles 677

Using Russian - A Guide to Contemporary Usage, 2nd Ed


Using Russian - A Guide to Contemporary Usage, 2nd Ed

6.6 Postal addresses 208
6.7 Family relationships 209
6.8 Public notices 209
6.9 Abbreviations of titles, weights, measures and
common expressions 211
6.10 Acronyms and alphabetisms 213
6.11 Names of countries and nationalities 216
6.11.1 Russia and the other states of the former
Soviet Union 216
6.11.2 Other regions and national minorities of Russia and the
former Soviet Union 217
6.11.3 Europe (Eвро´пa) 218
6.11.4 Africa (´Aфрикa) 220
6.11.5 America (Aмe´рикa) 221
6.11.6 Asia (´Aзия) 221
6.11.7 The Middle East (Бли´жний Bосто´к) 222
6.11.8 Australia and New Zealand 223
6.12 Words denoting inhabitants of Russian and former
Soviet cities 223
6.13 Jokes (aнeкдо´ты) and puns (кaлaмбу´ры) 225
7 Verbal etiquette 228
7.1 Introductory remarks 228
7.2 Use of ты and вы 229
7.3 Personal names 230
7.3.1 First names (имeнa´) 230
7.3.2 Patronymics (о´тчeствa) 233
7.4 Attracting attention (привлeчe´ниe внимa´ния) 235
7.5 Introductions (знaко´мство) 237
7.6 Greetings (привe´тствиe) 239
7.7 Farewells (прощa´ниe) 241
7.8 Congratulation (поздрaвлe´ниe) 242
7.9 Wishing (пожeлa´ниe) 242
7.10 Gratitude (блaгодa´рностъ) 244
7.11 Apologising (извинe´ниe) 244
7.12 Request (про´сьбa) 245
7.13 Invitation (приглaшe´ниe) 247
7.14 Reassurance and condolence (утeшe´ниe, соболe´зновaниe) 247
7.15 Compliments (комплимe´нты) 248
7.16 Telephone conversations (тeлeфо´нный рaзгово´р) 248
7.17 Letter writing (пeрeпи´скa) 250

Using Portuguese


Using Portuguese

1.1 The Portuguese language today 1
1.2 Linguistic registers and regional variations 3
2 Written expression 35
2.1 Accentuation 35
2.1.1 Diacritical marks 35
2.1.2 Stress 37
2.2 Punctuation 40
2.3 Hyphenation 40
2.4 Capitalization 41
3 Vocabulary 43
3.1 Misleading vocabulary 43
3.1.1 False cognates 43
3.1.2 Homographs 46
3.1.3 Homophones 48
3.1.4 Regional variations 50
3.2 Transitional phrases 51
3.3 Prepositions 55
3.3.1 A 55
3.3.2 Ante 59
3.3.3 Antes 59
3.3.4 Ap´os 60
3.3.5 At´e 60
3.3.6 Com 61
3.3.7 Contra 63
3.3.8 De 64
3.3.9 Desde 69
3.3.10 Diante de 69

Using Italian


Using Italian

1.1 The Italian language today 1
1.2 The dialects 2
1.3 Dialect and language in contemporary Italy 2
1.4 Dialect and Italian in contact 4
1.5 Registers of language 5
1.6 Examples of regional variation: pronunciation 5
1.7 Examples of regional variation: grammar 7
1.8 Examples of register variation: grammar 8
1.9 Examples of regional variation: vocabulary 10
1.10 Extracts illustrating registers of Italian 12
Example of R1 (Sicilian and Northern varieties) 12
Example of R1 (Roman variety) 15
Example of R1 (Tuscan variety) 16
Example of written R1–2: SMS messages 17
Example of spoken R2: Un’agenzia di viaggi 19
Example of spoken R2: TV game show 20
Example of R2–3: magazine editorial 22
Example of R3: written communication from bank
to its customers 24
Example of R3: police report 25
Example of R3: formal letter 27
2 Misleading similarities 30
2.1 Similar form – different meaning: False friends 30
2.1.1 ‘Falsi amici’ i 30
2.1.2 ‘Falsi amici’ i i : English (or English looking) words with
different meanings in Italian 39

Using German Synonyms


Using German Synonyms

Acknowledgements vi
Abbreviations vii
Introduction ix
GermanSynonyms 1
Bibliography 255
Index of English words 259
Index of German words 290

Turkish comprehensive grammar


Turkish comprehensive grammar

Part 1 Phonology: the sound system 1
1 Phonological units 3
2 Sound changes produced in the stem by suffixation 14
3 Vowel harmony 21
4 Word stress 26
5 Intonation and sentence stress 35
Part 2 Morphology: the structure of words 41
6 Principles of suffixation 43
7 Word classes, derivation and derivational suffixes 49
8 Inflectional suffixes 65
9 Reduplication 90
10 Noun compounds 94
11 Clitics

Thai An Essential Grammar


Thai An Essential Grammar

Introduction 1
Thai and its speakers 1
Romanisation 2
Learning Thai 2
Dictionaries 3
Linguistic literature on Thai 3
Chapter 1 Pronunciation 5
1.1 Consonants 5
1.2 Vowels and diphthongs 7
1.3 Tones 9
1.4 Stress 10
Chapter 2 The writing system 11
2.1 Consonants 11
2.2 Consonants by class 14
2.3 Vowels 14
2.4 Live syllables and dead syllables 15
2.5 Tone rules 16
2.6 Miscellaneous 19
Chapter 3 Nouns, classifiers and noun phrases 23
3.1 Proper nouns 23
3.2 Common nouns

Swedish essential grammar


Swedish essential grammar

Introduction 1
0.1 Some advice for the beginner 1
0.2 Similarities between Swedish and English 2
Chapter 1 Pronunciation 5
1.1 Vowels 5
1.1.1 Stressed vowels and their pronunciation 5
1.1.2 Pronunciation of unstressed vowels 7
1.1.3 Vowel length 8
1.1.4 Syllable length 10
1.2 Consonants and consonant groups 10
1.2.1 s, z, c, sc 11
1.2.2 j, gj, dj, hj, lj 12
1.2.3 r, t, l, x, w 12
1.2.4 g, k, sk 13
1.2.5 ng, gn, kn, mn 14
1.2.6 rs, rd, rt, rn, rl 15
1.2.7 Omitting -d, -g, -t, -k, -l 15
1.2.8 Omitting -e 19
1.2.9 Voiced consonants pronounced unvoiced
before -s, -t 20
1.2.10 Written and spoken forms of some common
words 21
1.2.11 Assimilation 22

Spanish essential grammar


Spanish essential grammar

Chapter 1 The alphabet, pronunciation, stress,
spelling and punctuation 1
1.1 The alphabet 1
1.2 Pronunciation 2
1.3 Stress and written accents 6
1.4 Spelling – capital letters 9
1.5 Punctuation 11
Chapter 2 Nouns 13
2.1 Plural forms of nouns 13
2.2 Gender 18
2.3 Collective nouns and agreement 26
Chapter 3 Definite and indefinite articles 27
3.1 Forms of the articles 27
3.2 The definite article 29
3.3 The indefinite article 36
3.4 The neuter article lo 40
Chapter 4 Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns 43
4.1 Demonstrative adjectives 43
4.2 Masculine and feminine demonstrative pronouns 45
4.3 Neuter demonstrative pronouns

Serbian essential grammar


Serbian essential grammar

Chapter 4 Pronunciation 17
4.1 Consonants 19
4.1.1 Voiced and unvoiced consonants 19
4.1.2 Soft and hard consonants 20
4.1.3 Consonantal assimilations 21
4.1.4 Consonantal contractions 22
4.1.5 Fleeting a 23
4.1.6 Change of л/l to о 24
4.1.7 J changes 25
4.1.8 Effects of е/e and и/i on к/k, г/g and
х/h 27
4.2 Vowels 29
4.2.1 Length and stress 29
4.2.2 Vowel mutations 29
Chapter 5 Stress 31
5.1 Word stress and tone 31
5.2 Shift of stress 32
5.3 Sentence stress

Romanian essential grammar


Romanian essential grammar

Chapter 1 Sounds and letters 3
1.1 The Romanian alphabet 3
1.2 Vowels 4
1.3 Consonants 5
1.4 Diphthongs and triphthongs 8
1.5 Stress and intonation 13
Chapter 2 Nouns 15
2.1 Gender 15
2.2 Forming the feminine from a masculine noun 19
2.3 Number 22
2.4 Case 29
2.5 Compound nouns 32
Chapter 3 Articles 34
3.1 Indefinite article 34
3.2 Definite article 36
3.3 Demonstrative or adjectival article 41
3.4 Possessive article 42
Chapter 4 Adjectives 44
4.1 Types of adjective 44
4.2 Comparison 46
4.3 Agreement 48

Portuguese essential grammar


Portuguese essential grammar

Chapter 1 Pronunciation and spelling 3
1.1 Vowels 3
1.2 Consonants 4
1.3 Diphthongs 6
1.4 Stress 7
1.5 Accents 8
Chapter 2 Nouns 9
2.1 Gender I: masculine and feminine 9
2.2 Gender II: forming the feminine 11
2.3 Number: forming the plural 15
2.4 Diminutives and augmentatives 18
2.5 Compound nouns 21
2.6 Collective nouns 22
Chapter 3 Articles 24
3.1 Definite article 24
3.2 Use of the definite article 24
3.3 Omission of the definite article 25
3.4 Contraction of the definite article

Portuguese essential grammar


Portuguese essential grammar

Chapter 1 Pronunciation and spelling 3
1.1 Vowels 3
1.2 Consonants 4
1.3 Diphthongs 6
1.4 Stress 7
1.5 Accents 8
Chapter 2 Nouns 9
2.1 Gender I: masculine and feminine 9
2.2 Gender II: forming the feminine 11
2.3 Number: forming the plural 15
2.4 Diminutives and augmentatives 18
2.5 Compound nouns 21
2.6 Collective nouns 22
Chapter 3 Articles 24
3.1 Definite article 24
3.2 Use of the definite article 24
3.3 Omission of the definite article 25
3.4 Contraction of the definite article

Modern Standard Arabic Reference Grammar


Modern Standard Arabic Reference Grammar

1 Introduction to Arabic 1
1 Afro-Asiatic and the Semitic language family 1
2 An overview of Arabic language history 2
3 Classical Arabic 2
4 The modern period 4
5 Arabic today 5
2 Phonology and script 10
1 The alphabet 10
2 Names and shapes of the letters 11
3 Consonants: pronunciation and description 12
4 Vowels 25
5 MSA pronunciation styles: full form and pause form 34
6 MSA syllable structure 35
7 Word stress rules 36
8 Definiteness and indefiniteness markers 40
3 Arabic word structure: an overview 44
1 Morphology in general 44
2 Derivation: the Arabic root-pattern system 45
3 Word structure: root and pattern combined 49
4 Dictionary organization 49
5 Other lexical types 50
6 Inflection: an overview of grammatical categories in Arabic 51
7 Distribution of inflectional categories: paradigms 55
8 MSA inflectional classes 55
9 Case and mood: special inflectional categories in Arabic
8 Construct phrases and nouns in apposition 205
1 The construct phrase or √iDaafa áaÉ°VE’G 205
2 Nouns in apposition (badal ∫óH) 224
9 Noun specifiers and quantifiers 228
1 Expressions of totality 228
2 Expressions of limited number, non-specific number, or partiality 230
3 Expressions of “more,” “most,” and “majority” 234
4 Scope of quantifier agreement 235
5 Non-quantitative specifiers 236
10 Adjectives: function and form 239
Part one: Function 239
1 Attributive adjectives 239
2 Predicate adjectives 240
3 Adjectives as substantives 240
4 Arabic adjective inflection 241
5 The adjective √iDaafa, the “false” √iDaafa
(√iDaafa ghayr Haqiiqiyya á«≤«≤M ÒZ áaÉ°VEG ) 253
Part two: Adjective derivation: the structure of Arabic adjectives 254
1 Derivation patterns from Form I triliteral roots 255
2 Quadriliteral root adjective patterns 258
3 Participles functioning as adjectives 258
4 Derivation through suffixation: relative adjectives (al-nisba áÑ°ùædG) 261
5 Color adjectives 270
6 Non-derived adjectives 273
7 Compound adjectives 274
11 Adverbs and adverbial expressions 276
1 Adverbs of degree 277
2 Adverbs of manner 281
3 Place adverbials 288
4 Time adverbials 290
5 Numerical adverbials 295
6 Adverbial accusative of specification (al-tamyiiz õ««ªàdG) 295
7 Adverbial accusative of cause or reason (al-maffiuul li-√ajl-i-hi ¬ΠLC’ ∫ƒ©ØŸG,
al-maffiuul la-hu ¬d ∫ƒ©ØŸG) 296
8 Adverbs as speech acts 297
12 Personal pronouns 298
1 Independent personal pronouns (Damaa√ir munfaSila áΠ°üØæe ôFɪ°V) 298
2 Suffix personal pronouns (Damaa√ir muttaSila áΠ°üàe ôFɪ°V) 301
3 Reflexive expressions with nafs plus pronouns 312
4 Independent possessive pronoun: dhuu noun 312
13 Demonstrative pronouns 315
1 Demonstrative of proximity: ‘this; these’ Gòg haadhaa 315
2 Demonstrative of distance: ‘that; those’ ∂dP dhaalika 316
3 Functions of demonstratives 316
4 Other demonstratives 319
14 Relative pronouns and relative clauses 322
1 Definite relative pronouns 322
2 Definite relative clauses 323
3 Indefinite relative clauses 324
4 Resumptive pronouns in relative clauses 324
5 Indefinite or non-specific relative pronouns: maa Ée and man røne 325
15 Numerals and numeral phrases 329
1 Cardinal numerals (al-√afidaad OGóYC’G) 329
2 Ordinal numerals 354
3 Other number-based expressions 360
4 Expressions of serial order: “last” 364
16 Prepositions and prepositional phrases 366
1 Overview 366
2 True prepositions (Huruuf al-jarr qô÷G ±hôM) 367
3 Locative adverbs or semi-prepositions
(Zuruuf makaan wa-Zuruuf zamaan ¿ÉeR ±hôXh ¿Éμe ±hôX) 386
4 Prepositions with clause objects 400
17 Questions and question words 401
1 √ayn-a nørjnCG ‘where’ 401
2 √ayy-un w…nCG ‘which; what’ 402
3 kam rºnc ‘how much; how many’ 402
4 kayf-a n∞r«nc ‘how’ 403
5 li-maadhaa GPɪpd ‘why; what for’ 403
6 maa Ée and maadhaa GPÉe ‘what’ 403
7 man røne ‘who; whom’ 405
8 mataa ≈àne ‘when’ 405
9 hal rπng and √a- -CG interrogative markers 405
18 Connectives and conjunctions 407
1 wa- ‘and’ (waaw al-fiaTf ∞£©dG hGh) 409
2 fa- `na ‘and so; and then; yet; and thus’ 410
3 Contrastive conjunctions 411
4 Explanatory conjunctions 412
5 Resultative conjunctions 412
6 Adverbial conjunctions 413
7 Disjunctives 417
8 Sentence-starting connectives 419
19 Subordinating conjunctions: the particle √inna and her sisters 422
1 Introduction 422
2 The particles 425
20 Verb classes 429
1 Verb roots 429
2 Verb derivation patterns: √awzaan al-fifil π©ØdG ¿GRhCG 433
21 Verb inflection: a summary 438
1 Verb inflection 438
2 Complex predicates: compound verbs, qad, and verb strings 446
22 Form I: The base form triliteral verb 455
1 Basic characteristics 455
2 Regular (sound) triliteral root (al-fifil al-SaHiiH
al-saalim ⁄É°ùdG í«ë°üdG π©ØdG) 456
3 Geminate verb root (al-fifil al-muDafifiaf ∞q©°†ŸG π©ØdG) 458
4 Hamzated verb root (al-fifil al-mahmuuz Rƒª¡ŸG π©ØdG) 460
5 Assimilated verb root (al-fifil al-mithaal ∫ÉãŸG π©ØdG) 460
6 Hollow root (al-fifil al-√ajwaf ±ƒLC’G π©ØdG) 461
7 Defective verb root (al-fifil al-naaqiS ¢übÉædG π©ØdG) 463
8 Doubly weak or “mixed” verb root 464
9 Verbal nouns of Form I 465
10 Form I participles 470

Modern Spanish Grammar


Modern Spanish Grammar

1 Pronunciation and spelling 3
1.1 The Spanish alphabet 3
1.2 Diphthongs 6
1.3 Syllabification 6
1.4 Sinalefa 7
1.5 The written stress accent 7
1.6 Punctuation 9
1.7 Capital letters 10
2 Gender and gender agreements 11
2.1 Masculine and feminine 11
2.2 Plural 11
2.3 General rules for gender 12
2.4 Words which are both masculine and feminine 12
2.5 Nouns which vary in gender 12
2.6 Agreement classes of adjectives 13
2.7 The neuter 14
2.8 Lo 15
3 Plurals and number agreement 16
3.1 Plural forms 16
3.2 Number agreement 17
4 The articles 19
4.1 Definite article 19
4.2 Principal differences between the use of the definite article
in Spanish and English 20
4.3 Definite article + que and de 21
4.4 The indefinite article

Modern Spanish Grammar WB


Modern Spanish Grammar WB

Cross-references to Modern Spanish Grammar 158
Workbook evaluation questionnaire 163
Index of grammar structures 164
Index of functions

Modern Italian Grammar


Modern Italian Grammar

1.1 What is a noun? 3
1.2 The noun 3
1.3 The article 10
1.4 The adjective 14
1.5 Agreement of noun, article and adjective 20
2 Verbs 22
2.1 General features of verbs 22
2.2 Verb tables 31
2.3 Moods and tenses of verbs 39
3 Pronouns 65
3.1 What is a pronoun? 65
3.2 Personal pronouns 65
3.3 Stressed personal pronouns 65
3.4 Unstressed personal pronouns 67
3.5 Relative pronouns 72
3.6 Interrogative pronouns and adjectives 74
3.7 Possessive pronouns and adjectives 75
3.8 Demonstrative pronouns and adjectives 77
3.9 Indefinite pronouns and adjectives 80
4 Prepositions 84
4.1 What is a preposition? 84
4.2 Combined prepositions and articles 85
4.3 Use of prepositions with nouns 85
4.4 Use of prepositions with verbs 89
4.5 Other prepositions 91

Modern Italian Grammar WB


Modern Italian Grammar WB

I Nouns, articles and adjectives 3
II Verbs 14
III Pronouns 30
IV Prepositions 41
V Conjunctions 43
VI Adverbs 44
VII Times, dates, weights and measures 45
Section 2 Functions 49
Section 3 Scenarios 85
I Arranging to do a summer language course in Italy 87
II Applying for a summer job 90
III The work placement in Italy 93
IV Romance in the workplace 96
Answer key 99
Terminologia 136
Cross-references to Modern

Modern Hebrew essential grammar


Modern Hebrew essential grammar

1 The simple sentence: basic word order 3
2 The simplest sentences: ‘Me Tarzan, you Jane’ 3
(a) The pattern 􀂬􀂢􀂋􀂢􀂫􀂎 􀂦􀂱􀂎 􀃕􀂢 ‘Yoram is tired’
(b) The pattern 􀂚􀂢􀂚􀂊 􀃒 􀂥􀂳􀂋 􀃞􀂆 􀂦􀂱􀂎 􀃕􀂢 ‘Yoram’s in Tel Aviv’
(c) The pattern ‘Yoram is a . . .’
(d) The pattern ‘I am . . ., he is . . .’
3 The personal pronouns 5
4 The definite article 􀂝 6
5 The Hebrew for ‘a’, ‘some’ 7
6–8 Masculine and feminine, singular and plural
6 Masculine and feminine nouns (gender) 7
7 The feminine and plural of nouns 8
(a) The endings 􀂦􀂢􀂊 and 􀂳􀃕 – the simplest noun type
(b) The plural of nouns of the type 􀂱􀂚􀂎 􀂜􀂎
(c) The plural of nouns of the type 􀂡􀂱􀂌􀂪􀂌 (segolate nouns)
(d) The plural of nouns ending in 􀂳􀃢
(e) The feminine of nouns denoting people, e.g. 􀂝􀂱􀂎􀃕􀂧 ‘teacher’
8 The feminine and plural of adjectives 13
(a) The simplest adjective type: 􀂢􀂳􀂊 􀂜􀂎 ,􀂚􀃕􀂡
(b) Adjectives ending in 􀂝􀂌
(c) Adjectives of the type 􀂥􀃕􀂜􀂛􀂎 ‘large’, 􀂨􀂡􀂎 􀂰􀂎 ‘small’

Modern German Grammar


Modern German Grammar

I Letters and sounds 3
1 Vowels 3
2 Diphthongs 4
3 Consonants 4
4 Stress 5
II Word order 7
5 Simple sentences and main clauses 7
6 Two main clauses 9
7 Direct questions and commands 10
8 Subordinate clauses 11
9 Indirect questions 14
10 Relative clauses 14
11 Order of adverbials 16
12 Noun and pronoun objects 17
13 Position of nicht 18
14 Position of reflexive pronouns 19
15 Flexible word order and emphasis 20
III The case system 23
16 The cases 23
17 The nominative 23
18 The accusative 24
19 The dative 26
20 The genitive 31
21 Apposition 33
IV Nouns 36
22 The article 36
23 Use of the articles 37
24 Determiners 41
25 Gender 43
26 Compound nouns and acronyms

Modern German Grammar WB


Modern German Grammar WB

This section provides exercises on particular functions and small groups of functions.
Most of them are based on one of two settings explained below. It is a good idea to
read through the relevant parts of Modern German Grammar before attempting these
There are three basic types of exercise:
• Play the part of . . . This is a role-play exercise in which you have to render the
English sentence in German. You need to take care to phrase your answer as if you
were the person indicated by the cue.
• Fill in the gap using the appropriate expression. This is a gap-filling exercise in
which you have to supply the appropriate German word or words. Occasionally,
English expressions are given in brackets, and these have to be rendered in
• What matches? These are exercises on register in which utterance and situation or
utterance and speaker need to be matched.

Modern French Grammar


Modern French Grammar

1 Articles 2
2 The definite article 2
3 The indefinite article 9
4 The partitive article 11
5 Demonstrative adjectives 15
6 Demonstrative pronouns 17
7 Possessive adjectives 20
8 Possessive pronouns 22
9 Nouns 23
10 Adjectives 31
11 Indefinite adjectives, pronouns and adverbs 40
12 Personal pronouns 51
13 Reflexive pronouns 56
14 Emphatic pronouns; position and order of pronouns 56
15 Relative pronouns 62
16 Interrogative pronouns, adjectives and adverbs 67
17 Cardinal and ordinal numbers

Modern French Grammar WB


Modern French Grammar WB

Section A Structures 1
IThe noun group 3
II The verb group 13
Section B Functions 37
III Exposition 39
IV Attitude 53
V Argumentation 57
Answer key 68
Cross-references to Modern French Grammar 93
Index of grammar structures 95
Index of functions

Intermediate Spanish


Intermediate Spanish

Unit 1 Expressions of time 1
Unit 2 The passive 7
Unit 3 Verbs with prepositions 15
Unit 4 The present subjunctive 24
Unit 5 Imperatives 35
Unit 6 Subjunctive after verbs of influence 45
Unit 7 Subjunctive after verbs of emotion 52
Unit 8 Subjunctive after impersonal expressions 58
Unit 9 The imperfect subjunctive 65
Unit 10 Subjunctive in expressions of time 73
Unit 11 Subjunctive after certain conjunctions 80
Unit 12 Subjunctive in relative clauses 87
Unit 13 Subjunctive to express doubt or denial 94
Unit 14 The perfect and pluperfect subjunctive 101
Unit 15 The conditional and the conditional perfect 107
Unit 16 Conditional sentences 114
Unit 17 Indefinite expressions 121

6 Ağustos 2015 Perşembe

Intermediate Russian

Intermediate Russian


Gratitude is normally expressed using the word спасибо (‘thank you’,
‘thanks’). То thank someone for something, use the preposition за + acc.:
Спасибо за деньги. The person being thanked goes into the dat.:
Спасибо Вам за письмо. ‘Thank you for the letter.’
The verb благодарить (кого за что) (‘to thank (someone for something)’) is
restricted to formal expressions of gratitude:
Благодарю вас (acc.) за помощь (acc.). ‘Thank you for your assistance.’
Exercise 1
Put the words in brackets into the correct form.
Спасибо вам за
1 (помощь). 5 (приглашение).
2 (книга). 6 (фотография).
3 (совет). 7 (тëплые слова).
4 (письмо). 8 (гостеприимство).

Intermediate Polish


Intermediate Polish

1 Verb aspects 1
2 -aP and -iP verbs: present tense consonant
changes 5
3 Comparisons: adjectives in -er and -est 8
4 Present tense of -nOP verbs 17
5 Short-stem non-waP verbs: padding with ‘j’
(present) 19
6 Comparisons: adverbs with ‘more’ and
‘most’ 22
7 Past tense of most imperfective verbs;
movable person suffixes 31
8 Past tense of imperfective verbs in -eP
and -nOP 36
9 Past tense of double imperfective verbs 41
10 Short-stem verbs in -SP and -P (present, past)

Intermediate Irish


Intermediate Irish

Unit 1 Relative clauses I 1
Unit 2 Information questions 11
Unit 3 Focus structures 17
Unit 4 Relative clauses II 25
Unit 5 Impersonal forms 37
Unit 6 Adverbs I 45
Unit 7 Adverbs II: predicates and clauses 53
Unit 8 Directional adverbs I 59
Unit 9 Directional adverbs II: the compass points 69
Unit 10 Comparisons 79
Unit 11 Conditional clauses I 89
Unit 12 Conditional clauses II 99
Unit 13 Habitual tenses 107
Unit 14 Causes and onsets 115
Unit 15 Higher numbers 121
Unit 16 Word formation I: compounds 131
Unit 17 Word formation II: prefixes and suffixes

Intermediate German


Intermediate German

Unit 1 Nouns and gender 1
Unit 2 Plural of nouns 9
Unit 3 Articles and other determiners 15
Unit 4 Cases 23
Unit 5 Pronouns 34
Unit 6 Reflexive verbs 42
Unit 7 Modal verbs 50
Unit 8 Verbs with separable and inseparable prefixes 59
Unit 9 Verbs and prepositions 67
Unit 10 The present tense 75
Unit 11 The present perfect tense 81
Unit 12 The simple past tense 89
Unit 13 The past perfect tense 96
Unit 14 The future tense 102
Unit 15 Adjectives and adverbs 107
Unit 16 Prepositions 116
Unit 17 Forming questions 126
Unit 18 Conjunctions and clauses 133
Unit 19 Word order and sentence structure

Intermediate Cantonese_A Grammar & Workbook


Intermediate Cantonese_A Grammar & Workbook

Intensive Italian Workbook


Intensive Italian Workbook


Hungarian Essential Grammar


Hungarian Essential Grammar

This is a concise, user-friendly guide to the most important structures of
this fascinating language.
All students of Hungarian, whether beginners or at intermediate and
advanced levels, will welcome its clarity of presentation and jargon-free
explanations. It is ideal for those studying independently or following a
taught course.
Topics include:
• Verbal prefixes
• Aspect and tense
• Word-formation mechanisms
• Linking vowels
• The case system and its uses
• Word order
Appendices include the formation of irregular verbs, complete noun declensions
and irregular noun patterns.
With numerous language examples bringing grammar to life, this truly
essential reference work will prove invaluable to all students looking to
master the patterns and irregularities of modern Hungarian.

greek essential grammar


greek essential grammar

1.2 Vowels 3
1.3 Combinations of vowels 4
1.4 Consonants 4
1.5 Combinations of consonants 7
1.6 Phonological phenomena across word boundaries 9
Stress and intonation 10
1.7 Word stress 10
1.8 Enclisis 11
1.9 Intonation 11
Chapter 2 The writing system 14
2.1 Accents (the monotonic system) 14
2.2 Other diacritics 15
2.3 The use of capital and lower-case letters 15
2.4 Punctuation 16
2.5 The transcription of foreign names 18
Chapter 3 The noun and the noun phrase 19
3.1 Constituents of the noun phrase 19
3.2 Functions of the noun phrase

German Essential Grammar


German Essential Grammar

Chapter 1 Pronunciation 1
1.1 Vowels 1
1.2 Diphthongs 3
1.3 Consonants 3
1.4 Stress 7
1.5 Regional variants 8
Chapter 2 Spelling 9
2.1 Indicating vowel length 9
2.2 Use of the Umlaut 9
2.3 Use of capital letters 10
2.4 Use of the hyphen 10
2.5 The new spelling 11
2.6 The alphabet 12
Chapter 3 Punctuation 13
3.1 Commas 13
3.2 Colons with direct speech 15
3.3 Inverted commas/quotation marks 15
3.4 Exclamation marks 16
Chapter 4 Case 17
4.1 Case endings on nouns 18
4.2 Other uses of the nominative case 20
4.3 Other uses of the accusative case 20
4.4 The genitive case

Frequency dictionary spanish


Frequency dictionary spanish

Thematic vocabulary lists | vi
Series preface | vii
Acknowledgments | ix
List of abbreviations | x
Introduction | 1
References | 11
Frequency index | 12
Alphabetical index | 183
Part of speech index | 235

Georgian Learner's grammar


Georgian Learner's grammar

Lesson 1 13
Greetings and introductions 15
Citation form of nouns and adjectives 16
Locative expressions 16
Formation of adverbs 16
Asking questions 17
Consonant-final words 17
Pronouns, possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns 17
Formality 18
The present tense of to be 18
The verb of motion and similar formations 19
Lesson 2 24
The plural of nouns 26
The dative case 27
The genitive case 27
Declension of the demonstrative adjectives 28
Adjective agreement with datives and genitives 28
Preverbs 29
Numbers 29
Telling the time 30
Days of the week 31
Months of the year 31
The present tense of the verbs stand up, sit down, lie down 32
Names denoting common relationships and possessives 34
Lesson 3 37
Asking about and stating one’s age 40
The comparative and superlative grades of adjectives
and adverbs 40

Frequency dictionary portuguese


Frequency dictionary portuguese

Thematic vocabulary list | vi
Series preface | vii
Acknowledgments | ix
List of abbreviations | x
Introduction | 1
References | 9
Frequency index | 10
Alphabetical index | 243
Part of speech index | 295

Finnish essential grammar


Finnish essential grammar

The relation of Finnish to other languages 1
§2 Finnish past and present 2
§3 The basic characteristics of Finnish 4
§4 What are the special difficulties? 6
2 Pronunciation and sound structure 9
§5 Letters and sounds 9
§6 Vowels and consonants 10
§7 Short and long sounds 12
§8 Diphthongs 14
§9 Syllables 14
§10 Stress and intonation 15
§11 Vowel harmony 16
3 A survey of word structure 18
§12 Nominals and their endings 18
§13 Finite verb forms and their endings 21
§14 Non-finite verb forms and their endings 24
4 Two important sound alternations 28
§15 Consonant gradation (p, t, k) 28
§16 Vowel changes before -i- endings 38
5 The declension of nominals 44
§17 General 44
§18 Nominals with a basic form in -i 46
§19 Nominals with a basic form in -e 49
§20 Nominals with a basic form ending in a consonant

English - essential grammar


English - essential grammar

Simple, compound, and complex sentences 9
1.2 Subject and predicate 10
1.3 Identifying the subject 11
1.4 Verb types 12
1.4.1 Intransitive verbs 12
1.4.2 Linking verbs 13
1.4.3 Transitive verbs 14
1.5 Subject complement 15
1.6 Direct object 16
1.7 Indirect object 17
1.8 Object complement 18
1.9 The five sentence patterns 19
1.10 Active and passive sentences 21
1.11 Adjuncts 22
1.12 The meanings of adjuncts 23
1.13 Vocatives 24
1.14 Sentence types 25
1.14.1 Declarative sentences 25
1.14.2 Interrogative sentences 25
1.14.3 Imperative sentences 26
1.14.4 Exclamative sentences 27
1.15 Fragments and non-sentences 27
Chapter 2 Words and

Dutch comprehensive grammar


Dutch comprehensive grammar

Chapter 1 Pronunciation 1
1.1 Vowels 1
1.2 Consonants 3
1.3 Regional differences 4
Chapter 2 Spelling 8
2.1 Archaisms in printed matter from pre-1947 8
2.2 Recent changes to Dutch spelling 9
2.3 Use of accents 11
2.4 Apostrophe 13
2.5 Capital letters 14
2.6 Hyphen 15
2.7 Medial letters in compound words 16
2.8 Trendy spellings 17
2.9 The alphabet 18
Chapter 3 Punctuation 20
3.1 The comma 20
Chapter 4 Cases 23
Chapter 5 Articles 25
5.1 The indefinite article 25
5.2 The definite article

Danish essential grammar


Danish essential grammar

Vowel sounds
1 Vowels and their pronunciation 1
2 Vowel length and spelling 4
3 Diphthongs 5
Consonant sounds
4 Stops: p, t, k 5
5 Stops: b, d, g 6
6 s, c, sc, x, z 8
7 f, h, j, sj, sh, ch 8
8 l, n, ng, nk, r, v, w 8
9 Syllable loss and vowel merger 9
10 Pronunciation of some frequent words 9
The glottal stop
11 The glottal stop (‘stød’) 10
12 Inflected forms—‘stød’ variations 11
13 Stress 13
14 Stressed in the clause 13
15 Unstressed in the clause 14
16 Two-word stress 15
17 Stressed and unstressed syllables 16
18 Stressed prefixes 16

Czech essential grammar


Czech essential grammar

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Standard versus non-standard usage 1
Chapter 2 Pronunciation and orthography –
vPslovnost a pravopis 3
2.1 Vowels – samohlásky 3
2.2 Consonants – souhlásky 4
2.3 Soft I versus hard Y 7
2.4 Consonants before h and I/Í 8
2.5 Voicing and devoicing 9
2.6 Intonation – intonace 10
2.7 The alphabet 11
2.8 Capital letters 11
2.9 Non-standard Czech 13
Chapter 3 Nouns – podstatná jména 16
3.1 Gender – rod 16
3.2 The plural – mnofné aíslo 18
3.3 Cases – pády 19
3.4 Hard and soft declensions 20
3.5 Masculine types 28
3.6 Feminine types 34
3.7 Neuter types 37
3.8 Other miscellaneous types 40
3.9 Adjectival nouns – zpodstatnblá pdídavná jména 45
3.10 Plural-only nouns – podstatná jména pomnofná 46
3.11 Indeclinable nouns – nesklonná jména

Colloquial Yoruba


Colloquial Yoruba

1 N’ílé ò. ré. 1
At a friend’s house
2 Ìkíni àti ìpàdé 16
Greetings and meetings
3 Sísò. rò. nípa ènìyàn 29
Talking about people
4 Wíwá ilé láti ré.n`tì 46
Looking for a place to rent
5 Nn`kan o. jà àti as.o.
Market products and clothing
6 Síse oúnje. 77
7 Nípa ìlera ara re. 92
About your health
8 Síso. nípa ènìyàn 106
Talking about people
9 S. ís.àpèjúwe ènìyàn àti ìlú 121
Describing people and towns

Colloquial Tamil


Colloquial Tamil

1 en peeru Murugan
My name is Murugan
2 naan viiTTukku pooreen
I’m going home
3 enna vee=um?
What would you like?
4 haloo, naan Smith peesureen
Hello, this is Smith
5 mannikka=um, taamadamaa
I am sorry that I am late.
(Lit: Excuse me for coming late)
6 Mahaabalipuram poovamaa?
Shall we go to Mahabalipuram?
7 niinga enge pooriinga?
Where are you going?
8 niinga eppa Indiyaavukku vandiinga?
When did you come to India?
9 niinga pooTTurukkira ∂ras
The clothes you are wearing
10 neettu oru kalyaa=attukku pooyirundeen
Yesterday I went to a wedding

Colloquial Swedish


Colloquial Swedish

1 Hej! 20
2 Rebecca, en student 32
Rebecca, a student
3 Att resa 45
4 På semester 61
On holiday
5 Matlagning 78
6 Att bli sambo 96
Moving in together
7 På stan 111
In town
8 På universitetet 127
At the university

Colloquial Spanish 2


Colloquial Spanish 2

Unit 1 El País Vasco The Basque Country 1
Unit 2 Viajando Travelling 16
Unit 3 Carnavales y fiestas Festivals and fiestas 31
Unit 4 Alojamiento Accommodation 44
Unit 5 Trabajando en España Working in Spain 56
Unit 6 El fútbol Football 71
Unit 7 La salud Health 85
Unit 8 La educación Education 99
Unit 9 La inmigración en España Immigration in Spain 113
Unit 10 El trabajo y la banca Employment and banking 126
Unit 11 El medio ambiente The environment 141
Unit 12 La política/La economía Politics/economics 157
Unit 13 La cultura y las artes The arts 170
Unit 14 Las quejas Complaints 182
Grammar reference 201
Key to exercises

Colloquial Scottish


Colloquial Scottish

1 A bheil Gàidhlig agad? 9
Do you speak Gaelic?
2 An teaghlach 22
The family
3 Càit’ a bheil e? 38
Where is it?
4 Ciamar a tha thu a’ faireachdainn? 55
How do you feel?
5 Cò mheud a tha ann? 68
How many are there?
6 Biadh is deoch 83
Food and drink
7 An aimsir/an t-sìde 94
The weather
8 Air an dùthaich 106
In the countryside
9 Cò às a tha thu? 118
Where are you from?
10 Dè a chuireas mi orm? 131
What will I wear?
11 Dè an obair a tha agad? 144
What work do you do?
12 Cur-seachadan 156

Colloquial Russian 2


Colloquial Russian 2

Unit 1 Rossiq i russkij qzyk 1
Russia and the Russian language
Unit 2 Transport 39
Unit 3 Turizm 57
Unit 4 Migraciq 75
Unit 5 Sport 92
Unit 6 Kul;turnaq 'izn; v Rossii 111
Cultural life in Russia
Unit 7 Sredstva massovoj informacii (CMI) 128
The mass media
Unit 8 Rynok truda 146
The labour market
Unit 9 Demografiq 163
Unit 10 Obrazovanie 180
Unit 11 Rossijskoe Ob]estvo 198
Russian society

Colloquial Norwegian


Colloquial Norwegian

1 Pamela og Håkon Pamela and Håkon 5
2 Håkon på jobb Håkon at work 15
3 På innkjøp Out shopping 27
4 Hjemme At home 37
5 Familien The family 48
6 På hytta At the holiday chalet 58
7 Et familiebesøk A family visit 68
8 Til bords At the table 79
9 En vanlig dag Everyday life 87
10 Skolen i Norge Norwegian schooling 99
11 Været The weather 109
12 Togreiser Travelling by train 120
13 I byen In town 131
14 Turister Tourists 141
15 Sykdom og sunnhet Sickness and health 149
16 Utseende Appearance 159
17 Fritiden Spare time 168
18 Litt norsk historie Some Norwegian history 178
19 Norske aviser Norwegian newspapers 186
20 Livet i Norge Life in Norway 196
A simple guide to pronunciation 206
Ready-reference grammar

Colloquial Levantine Arabic


Colloquial Levantine Arabic

1 Nouns and adjectives; basic sentences 13
2 Possession and pronouns 18
Appendix: Numbers 21
3 Verbs, word order and demonstratives 24
4 Verbs, conjunctions and elatives 33
5 Participles 40
6 Hollow verbs and ‘to be able’ 44
7 Verbs, defective and doubled 50
8 Assimilated verbs, conjunctions and ‘for’ 58
9 Relative pronouns, verbal nouns and possession 63
10 More verbs, verbal phrases and whenever/whoever 69
11 Conditional sentences 73
12 Idioms 76
13 Terms of address and reference 86
14 Proverbs 92
15 Courtesy expressions for various occasions 97
16 A story 101
17 A miscellany 105
18 Concepts in society 112
19 Abuse

Colloquial Latin American Spanish 2


Colloquial Latin American Spanish 2

Unit 1 Estamos por empezar
We’re about to begin
Unit 2 Turismo
Unit 3 Comunicación y tecnología
Communication and technology
Unit 4 En los Andes
In the Andes
Unit 5 Negocios en Latinoamérica
Business in Latin America
Unit 6 Latinos
Latin Americans
Unit 7 Medios de comunicación
The media
Unit 8 Los mayores
The elderly
Unit 9 Vida cotidiana
Daily life
Unit 10 La mujer, la familia
Women and families
Grammar reference 143
Key to exercises 151
Spanish-English glossary 169
English-Spanish glossary 175
Index of language points

Colloquial Swahili


Colloquial Swahili

Introduction 1
1 Karibu! 9
2 Unatoka wapi? 26
Where do you come from?
3 Familia 44
The family
4 Kusafiri 61
5 Safarini 79
On the move
6 Shambani 97
In the countryside
7 Ugonjwa na matibabu 113
Sickness and medical treatment
8 Kutembelea 132
9 Kufanya utafiti wa jamii 150
Doing social research
10 Sherehe ya arusi 164
A wedding celebration

Colloquial japanese


Colloquial japanese

Introduction to the Japanese language 1
1 􀸬􀸬􀸬􀸬􀳝􀳝􀳝􀳝􀟩􀟩􀟩􀟩􀩤􀩤􀩤􀩤􁞵􁞵􁞵􁞵 Meishi no kookan 11
Exchanging business cards
2 􂥄􂥄􂥄􂥄􁏆􁏆􁏆􁏆􂚫􂚫􂚫􂚫􀩺􀩺􀩺􀩺 Jiko-shookai 28
Introducing yourself
3 􁊅􁊅􁊅􁊅􁣖􁣖􁣖􁣖􀟩􀟩􀟩􀟩􂹤􂹤􂹤􂹤 Kázoku no hanashi 41
Talking about families
4 􂾈􂾈􂾈􂾈􀞿􀞿􀞿􀞿􂀛􂀛􂀛􂀛 Kaimono 58
5 􁦬􁦬􁦬􁦬􁦐􁦐􁦐􁦐􁣣􁣣􁣣􁣣􀟦􀟦􀟦􀟦􀪳􀪳􀪳􀪳􀞿􀞿􀞿􀞿􀟹􀟹􀟹􀟹􀟒􀟒􀟒􀟒􀠂􀠂􀠂􀠂􀟁􀟁􀟁􀟁􀞕􀞕􀞕􀞕 75
Getsuyóobi ni aimashóo.
Let’s meet on Monday!
6 􃋈􃋈􃋈􃋈􁧁􁧁􁧁􁧁􀟐􀟐􀟐􀟐􀠎􀠎􀠎􀠎􀟩􀟩􀟩􀟩􀪳􀪳􀪳􀪳􂐠􂐠􂐠􂐠􀟳􀟳􀟳􀟳􀟤􀟤􀟤􀟤􀟁􀟁􀟁􀟁􀟿􀟿􀟿􀟿􀟞􀟞􀟞􀟞􀟡􀟡􀟡􀟡
􂴕􂴕􂴕􂴕􀟈􀟈􀟈􀟈􀟹􀟹􀟹􀟹􀟔􀟔􀟔􀟔􀟆􀟆􀟆􀟆􀞕􀞕􀞕􀞕 90
Suzuki san no kaisha e dóo
yatte ikimásu ka.
How do I get to your office, Mr Suzuki?
7 􀟤􀟤􀟤􀟤􀠎􀠎􀠎􀠎􀟥􀟥􀟥􀟥􁗵􁗵􁗵􁗵􀟓􀟓􀟓􀟓􀟩􀟩􀟩􀟩􀩱􀩱􀩱􀩱􀟢􀟢􀟢􀟢􀟔􀟔􀟔􀟔􀟆􀟆􀟆􀟆􀞕􀞕􀞕􀞕 111
Dónna kanji no hito désu ka.
What does he look like?
8 􁏒􁏒􁏒􁏒􀱝􀱝􀱝􀱝􂷰􂷰􂷰􂷰􀰶􀰶􀰶􀰶􀟦􀟦􀟦􀟦􂴕􂴕􂴕􂴕􀟈􀟈􀟈􀟈􀟹􀟹􀟹􀟹􀟒􀟒􀟒􀟒􀠂􀠂􀠂􀠂􀟁􀟁􀟁􀟁􀞕􀞕􀞕􀞕 130
Shinai-kánkoo ni ikimashóo.
Let’s take the city tour!
9 􀡎􀡎􀡎􀡎􀠹􀠹􀠹􀠹􀡞􀡞􀡞􀡞􀟢􀟢􀟢􀟢 Hóteru de 145
At the hotel
10 􂔹􂔹􂔹􂔹􃚍􃚍􃚍􃚍􀠍􀠍􀠍􀠍􂷗􂷗􂷗􂷗􀟦􀟦􀟦􀟦􂴕􂴕􂴕􂴕􀟈􀟈􀟈􀟈􀟹􀟹􀟹􀟹􀟖􀟖􀟖􀟖􀠎􀠎􀠎􀠎􀟆􀟆􀟆􀟆􀞕􀞕􀞕􀞕 160
Keiba o mí ni ikimasén ka.
Would you like to come to the races?

Colloquial Italian


Colloquial Italian

1 Buongiorno, un caffè per favore 1
Good morning, a coffee please
2 Mi chiamo Harry, sono americano, e Lei? 16
My name’s Harry, I’m American, and you?
3 In città 32
In town
4 In viaggio 50
5 Vorrei comprare/Quanto costa? 65
I’d like to buy/How much does it cost?
6 Appuntamenti 81
7 Giriamo 102
Let’s get out and about
8 Un po’ di geografia 121
A little geography
9 Buon appetito 136
Enjoy your meal

Colloquial Italian 2


Colloquial Italian 2

Unit 1 Presentiamoci! Let’s introduce ourselves! 1
Unit 2 Di dove sei? Where do you come from? 11
Unit 3 Che tipo sei? What sort of person are you? 21
Unit 4 Che cosa pensi di me? What’s your opinion of me? 32
Unit 5 Ci siamo incontrati così This is how we met 43
Unit 6 Studi e carriera Education and career 53
Unit 7 Lavorare in Italia Working in Italy 62
Unit 8 Un colloquio di lavoro An interview for a job 73
Unit 9 La famiglia sta cambiando The family is changing 85
Unit 10 Nord e Sud North and South 95
Unit 11 L’italiano e i suoi dialetti Italian and its dialects 103
Unit 12 Essere italiani Being Italian 115
Appendix 1 Background 128
Appendix 2 Dialects and minority languages 132
Grammar reference 136
Key to exercises 149
Grammar index

Colloquial Irish


Colloquial Irish

1 Ag cur aithne ar dhaoine 1
Getting to know people
2 Ag caint fút féin 13
Talking about yourself
3 Ag caint faoin teaghlach 27
Talking about the family
4 Ag lorg eolais faoi lóistín 41
Seeking information about lodgings
5 Ag caint faoi chaithimh aimsire 54
Speaking about pastimes
6 Ag cur síos ar imeachtaí an lae 66
Describing events of the day
7 Ag caint faoi na scileanna atá agat 79
Talking about the skills that you have
8 Ag cur síos ar chúrsaí oibre 91
Describing employment situations
9 Bia, deoch, agus ceol 102
Food, drink, and music
10 Sláinte 113

Colloquial Icelandic


Colloquial Icelandic

The sounds and letters of Icelandic 4
1 Velkomin til Íslands! Welcome to Iceland! 11
2 Hvaðan ert þú? Where are you from? 26
3 Hvert förum við? Where are we going? 41
4 Ég ætla að fá…Hvað verður þetta mikið? I would like to get…How much
will that be?
5 Föt Clothing 72
6 Á ferð og flugi On the move 87
7 Daglegt líf Daily life 104
8 Verði þér að góðu! Enjoy your meal! 117
9 Fjölskyldan The family 134
10 Stefnumót Appointments 145
11 Gisting Accommodation 156
12 Tómstundir Spare time 168
13 Ísland Iceland 182
14 Saga og þjóð Story, history and people 195
15 Höfuð, herðar, hné og tær Head and shoulders, knees and toes 206
16 Gangi þér vel! Good luck! 218
Grammar summary 231
Glossary of grammatical terms

Colloquial Hebrew


Colloquial Hebrew

1 8
Reading and writing Hebrew
2 24
Peter arrives in Israel
3 39
Can we meet?
4 55
It’s a very popular restaurant
5 72
Family and plans
6 92
Shopping at the mall
7 113
Making arrangements
8 132
On the road and on time
9 157
Home Sweet Home
10 177
Sport and culture

Colloquial French 2


Colloquial French 2

Unit 1 Renouer contact 1
Getting back in touch
Unit 2 La France et ses villes 19
France and its towns
Unit 3 En route 39
On the road
Unit 4 Rendez-vous d’affaires 57
Business meetings
Unit 5 Travail / loisirs 75
Work and play
Unit 6 Le sud-ouest 94
The south-west
Unit 7 La vie en France: mode d’emploi 111
Life in France: practical tips
Unit 8 A votre santé! 130
Your health
Unit 9 Communiquer, s’exprimer 147
News and views
Unit 10 Vive le sport! 167
Sport is great!
Unit 11 Le plaisir de lire 183
The joys of reading
Unit 12 La francophonie 200
The French-speaking world

Colloquial Estonian


Colloquial Estonian

1 Kaks vana sõpra 11
Two old friends
2 Telefon 18
The telephone
3 Kohvikus 30
In a café
4 Tartus 44
In Tartu
5 Pireti juures 56
Visiting Piret
6 Nädala päevad 67
Days of the week
7 Sünnipäev 75
A birthday
8 Piret ajab asju 82
Piret has things to do
9 Piret ostab riideid 94
Piret buys clothes
10 Ilm ja aastaajad 102
Weather and the seasons

Colloquial English


Colloquial English

1 Pleased to meet you! 1
2 Where are you from? 20
3 Could you tell me where the bank is? 33
4 Have you got any bread? 47
5 What shall we do today? 64
6 Hello, could I speak to Vicki? 81
7 What date is it today? 98
8 Can I make an appointment? 117
9 I’ve lost my passport! 135
10 Which do you prefer? 155
11 I’ll see you at half past five! 175
12 You can’t be serious!

Colloquial Danish


Colloquial Danish

Familien Nielsen i Køge 1
The Nielsen family in Køge
2 På arbejde 13
At work
3 Hvad koster det? 24
What does it cost?
4 Hvad dag er det i dag? 35
What day is it today?
5 Telefonen ringer! 47
The phone is ringing!
6 Den daglige tummerum 61
The daily humdrum
7 Små problemer 74
Small problems
8 Jeg ønsker, jeg kræver og jeg
foreslår . . . 87
I wish, I want and I suggest . . .
9 Skål! 101

Colloquial Croatian


Colloquial Croatian

1 Na putu On the way 6
2 Razgovor o putovanju Conversation about travelling 20
3 Dolazak u Zagreb Arrival in Zagreb 33
4 Svatko ide na svoju stranu Each goes his own way 48
5 Dolazak u hotel Arrival at the hotel 61
6 Razgovor o stanu Conversation about a flat 74
7 Na pošti At the post office 86
8 U restoranu In the restaurant 95
9 Na ulici In the street 108
10 Posjet prijateljima Visiting friends 122
11 Obiteljski odnosi Family relationships 134
12 Putni planovi Travel plans 149
13 U kazalištu At the theatre 160
14 Pakiranje Packing 174
15 Polazak Departure 187
16 U kvaru Breakdown 197
17 U kupnji Shopping 209
18 Prometna nesreća Road accident 226
19 Razgovor o svakodnevnom životu Conversation about everyday life 242

Colloquial catalan


Colloquial catalan

1 Benvinguda i benvingut! 1
2 Com es diu? 8
What is your name?
3 Un cafè, sisplau 19
A coffee, please
4 Què vols? 29
What would you like?
5 Vols el meu mòbil? 38
Do you want my mobile?
6 La meva família 47
My family
7 Perdoni, on és l’Hotel Miramar? 61
Excuse me, where is the Miramar Hotel?
8 Quina és la teva adreça? 72
What is your address?
9 Tot passejant per la Rambla 83

Colloquial Brazil Portuguese 2


Colloquial Brazil Portuguese 2

Unit 1 Entre amigos 1
Between friends
Unit 2 O Brasil 16
Unit 3 Estou em férias! 30
I’m on holiday!
Unit 4 Aluga-se 46
To rent/to hire
Unit 5 Dias santos e feriados 64
Religious and public holidays
Unit 6 Saúde e nutrição 80
Health and nutrition
Unit 7 Educação e cultura 95
Education and culture
Unit 8 Esportes e religião 110
Sports and religion
Unit 9 Mercado de trabalho 122
The job market
Unit 10 Imigração e desenvolvimento econômico 137
Immigration and economic development
Unit 11 Política, comunicação e mídia 151
Politics, communication and the media
Unit 12 A ecologia e os índios brasileiros 166
Ecology and the Brazilian Indians

Basic Spanish


Basic Spanish

Unit 1 Nouns and articles 1
Unit 2 Numbers, times and dates 9
Unit 3 Subject pronouns and present tense of regular verbs 19
Unit 4 Present tense of some common irregular verbs 29
Unit 5 Interrogatives 37
Unit 6 Negatives 45
Unit 7 Adjectives and adverbs 51
Unit 8 ser and estar 60
Unit 9 Demonstratives 67
Unit 10 Comparatives and superlatives 73
Unit 11 Object pronouns 79
Unit 12 gustar 88
Unit 13 Radical changing verbs 94
Unit 14 Reflexive verbs 100
Unit 15 Present continuous tense 106
Unit 16 Possessives 112
Unit 17 The preterite tense 118

Basic Italian


Basic Italian

1 Nouns: gender and number 1
2 Definite and indefinite articles 9
3 Adjectives; possessive and demonstrative pronouns 17
4 The present tense of essere and avere 28
5 The present tense of regular (and some irregular) verbs 36
6 Adverbs 46
7 Direct object pronouns (1) 52
8 Prepositions 57
9 Questions 68
10 Indirect object pronouns (1) 74
11 Piacere and similar verbs 79
12 The present perfect tense 84
13 Direct and indirect object pronouns (2) 94
14 Direct and indirect object pronouns (3: stressed forms) 99
15 Relative pronouns 104
16 The imperfect tense 111
17 The pronouns ne and ci 120
18 The future tense 129
19 The past perfect tense 137

Basic Irish


Basic Irish

Unit 1 Spelling and pronunciation 1
Unit 2 Word order and simple sentences 9
Unit 3 Initial mutations: lenition 17
Unit 4 Other mutations 23
Unit 5 Nouns and articles 31
Unit 6 Noun classes and cases 41
Unit 7 Personal names 53
Unit 8 Place-names 61
Unit 9 Prepositions I 67
Unit 10 Basic numbers 77
Unit 11 Verbs I: Present tense of regular verbs 83
Unit 12 Verbs II: Future tense of regular verbs 91
Unit 13 Verbs III: Past tense 99
Unit 14 Irregular verbs I 107
Unit 15 Irregular verbs II 117
Unit 16 The verb bí 125
Unit 17 The copula is

Basic German


Basic German

1 What’s different in German? Basic tips and patterns 1
2 Verbs in the present tense 6
3 Verb variations and irregular verbs 12
4 Irregular verbs: haben and sein 19
5 Separable verbs in the present tense 24
6 Imperatives 30
7 Questions 36
8 Nouns and gender 42
9 Plural of nouns 50
10 The four cases 56
11 The nominative case 62
12 The accusative case 65
13 The dative case 70
14 The genitive case 75
15 Personal pronouns 79
16 Possessive adjectives 87
17 Reflexive verbs 92
18 Negatives 97
19 Comparison of adjectives and adverbs 102
20 Modal verbs 109

Basic Cantonese


Basic Cantonese

This book is for learners of Cantonese who aim to take their knowledge of
the language beyond the phrase-book level. While our Cantonese: A
Comprehensive Grammar was designed as a reference book, Basic
Cantonese is more pedagogical in orientation. It highlights the key building
blocks of sentence structure, leaving details of grammar and usage for the
more advanced learner. It also provides practice for the grammar points of
each unit in the form of communicatively oriented exercises.

Arabic essential grammar


Arabic essential grammar

1 Arabic script, transliteration and alphabet table 1
2 Pronunciation of consonants 5
3 Punctuation and handwriting 9
4 Vowels 13
5 Suku¯ n, sˇaddah, noun cases and nunation as indefinite form 17
6 Long vowels, alif maqs
u¯ rah, dagger or miniature alif, word
stress and syllable structure 21
7 Hamzah (hamzatu l-qat
i) and the maddah sign 26
8 Definite article ... أَلْ al..., nominal sentences, verbal
sentences, word order and adjectives 31
9 Sun and moon letters, hamzatu l-was
li (was
lah) 39
10 Gender 46
11 Conjunctions, prepositions and the particle حَتَّى h
atta¯ 51
12 Id
a¯ fah construction (genitive attribute) and the five nouns 61
13 Number: dual and plural 70
14 Perfect tense verbs, root and radicals, triliteral verbs and
word order 78
15 Separate personal pronouns and suffix pronouns 87
16 Demonstrative, reflexive and reciprocal pronouns 98
17 Imperfect tense verb in the indicative and word order 106
18 Derived verb forms (stems), roots and radicals, transitive
and intransitive verbs 115
19 Passive verbs 128
20 Rules for writing the hamzah (hamzatu l-qat
i) 135
21 Broken plurals and collective nouns 144
22 Triptotes and diptotes 151

A student grammar of spanish


A student grammar of spanish

Alphabet, spelling and pronunciation

(Alfabeto, ortografı´a y pronunciacio´ n) 1

2 Definite and indefinite articles and gender
of nouns (Artı´culos definidos e indefinidos y ge´nero de
sustantivos) 10

3 Number (El plural) 32

4 Verbs (Los verbos) 40

5 Perfect tense and pluperfect tense (El [prete´ rito]
perfecto y el pluscuamperfecto / antecopret´erito [M]) 46

6 Future tense and future perfect tense (El tiempo futuro y el
futuro perfecto) 53

7 Imperfect tense (El tiempo imperfecto/coprete´ rito [M]) 58

8 Preterit tense or past definite (El prete´ rito
indefinido / prete´ rito perfecto simple) 63

9 Conditional tense (El tiempo condicional) 71

10 Progressive tense or gerund (El tiempo progresivo
o el gerundio) 75

11 The imperative mood (El modo imperativo) 81

12 Irregular verbs (Los verbos irregulares) 89

13 Ser and estar (Ser y estar) 97

A student grammar of french


A student grammar of french

The following newspapers and magazines have provided and inspired the illustrative
examples used throughout this book: Bien dans ma vie, Cosmopolitan, Elle, l’E´quipe, Esprit
femme, Femme actuelle, FHM, le Figaro, Glamour, Laura, Marianne, Marie Claire, Men’s Health,
Modes et travaux, le Monde, Monsieur, Optimum, Plan`ete Foot, le Point, Solo, Sport et vie, T´el´erama,
Top Sant´e, Triathl`ete, le Vif–Express, Vingt ans, Vital, Vivre.
Her name should be Patience, but it’s Judith and she has loyally and stalwartly supported
me throughout the preparation of this book. Sincerest thanks to her and also to
Helen Barton at Cambridge University Press, whose valuable advice, tendered in her
gentle manner, ensured that the book didn’t become, like its author, too eccentric

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